Children of Heaven
بچههای آسمان

he film is the work of Majid Majidi, the film revolves around Ali who one day loses his little sister shoes. Instead of telling his father of what happened, he asks his sister Zahra not to tell until he fixes the problem. Later while in school Zahra sees her shoes on another little girl, and through an odd twist of faith ends up being friend. The come up with a solution they’ll share his shoes. This leads to a whole new set of problems Ali is always late to school and is almost punished for his tardiness. He is told by the principle to comeback with his father, this would unravel his whole plan; his professor saves him because he is such a good student he is saved. Alis’ father takes him one day to work in the rich part of town to garden in hopes of making some extra money, they do and Ali sees an opportunity to tell his farther Zahra needs new shoes, he says sure but on their way home they get into and accident that appears to derail that idea. One day there is a contest the fastest runner from different schools will compete for prizes, one them is a new pair of shoes, Ali plans on coming in third which will when him the shoes. In the end, he wins the race, thus letting down his sister. All is good in the end, as it’s implied that the father bought a new pair of shoes for his daughter, with the money he earned for gardening with Ali.
Poverty plays a major role in the film, how people hold on to everything they own like shoes, and when they are worn out they trade it and they a passed on to someone else. Unlike the other films vied the term, while these one took place in the slums, it did not show violence. Instead the film revolved around family, the brother and sister working together to keep the lost shoes a secret, the father and son working together to make money, the family taking care of the pregnant mother. Furthermore that people make due with what they have and barely complain. One strong example is when Zahra is wearing her brothers’ shoes and is in gym and smiles as her turn approaches because she is wearing the right shoes to make the jump. The film also shows that winning isn’t always everything, family comes first Ali won the race in the end but felt like a failure because he let his little sister down.
This was like many films this semester, my first introduction into a new cultural of film, this time from Iran. I have to say that I real did enjoy this film; I was amazed at how the simplest thing like losing a pair of shoes could create such a compelling story. Even though this film was shot in the late 90’s and was shot with out of date technology, it proves that a master storyteller doesn’t need anymore then a good story, a camera, and actors to create an Academy Award nominated film.
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